Server Rules

1) Respect all server members, regardless of anything pertaining to their identity, hobbies, etc. No Bullying, harassment, use of slurs, etc. If there is any sort of issue, let your high ranks know. This server is a NO TOLERANCE zone for Bullying. We will REFUSE to allow anyone in this server if they are bullying others. We are a safe space. Treat it as such.

2) The following topics will not be allowed to be discussed in the server or in roleplay. Speaking of these topics will result in Strikes.

3A) Activity must be maintained within the server for every rank. Some ranks require more activity than others. If you are inactive for longer than the designated 3-4 WEEK timeframe, you will be given a strike, or removed. Activity counts for doing all of the following:

3B) If you are to be inactive, fill out a Hiatus form in order to properly excuse your absence. Please alert a high rank if you cannot be completely active, but do not want to fill out a hiatus. We can make a plan for you.

4) ALL large events with an oc must be approved by high ranks. This includes death, injury, etc. These are key to our plot.

5) Images, Gifs, etc are allowed to be sent within the server. Please DO NOT send any images or media that contain eyestrain, flashing, or other dangerous attributes, as to protect the health, wellbeing, and comfort of our other members.

6) As much as we want our members to work hard in this clan, YOUR MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS. We have a venting channel, we are all open to listen to concerns, and we are all here to just be a friend when you need it most. If you feel as though you are not in a good mental state for the clan, you can,

We prioritize the mental health of our members more than anything in the world, always PUT YOURSELF FIRST.

7) Generally, be kind in roleplay and out of roleplay! If a tension has been agreed on by both parties IRP, this is the only exception. This server is a family, and we advocate for a welcoming, tight knit environment. Discomfort should never be an issue, so if you feel uncomfortable with someone in the server, IRP or OORP, please alert a high rank immediately.

7B) Please know, there is a separation between Minors (-18) and Adults (18+) in Rootclan. We ask that you maintain a comfortable relationship with all members, and do not pass any uncomfortable boundaries. If you are uncomfortable with someone in the server, alert someone in High Ranking immediately.


Legal Regulations and Common Sense drive an important need for Rootclan to be a safe place for minors (-18) and adults (18+) at all times to coexist and roleplay/chat together. By following these rules, Rootclan will remain safe.

1. Rootclans Age Cap is 21 YEARS OLD. Unfortunately if you are older than this age, you are not permitted to join Rootclan. Please note we may ask for a form of identification to clarify this.

2. Absolutely NO Romantic relationships between a Minor owned OC and a Adult owned OC will be allowed.

3. "Minor" or "Adult" roles will be MANDATORY for Server Members. These will be sent out via a Self Role system, and you will be able to select those roles from there.

4. If there are age boundaries listed in a persons server bio, OORP introduction, etc, they are to be FOLLOWED. If you want to ask a question about said boundary, that is allowed.

5. ANY INSTANCE of discomfort from a Minor or an Adult over the behavior of a Minor or Adult (minor to adult or adult to minor) should be reported DIRECTLY to higher ups. These instances will be handled instantly and are some of the biggest priority issues our team aims to cover.

6. If you have disrespected someones boundaries and been given a request for Space, Time, or if they or Senior Rankings have placed a No Contact request, those requests are to be respected.

7. Breakage of these regulations will result in accompanying punishments that WILL be leveled to the offense.

Rule Breakage

You can be given up to 3 strikes in this area. On your third act against the rules, you will be Kicked or Banned depending on the severity of your actions, or the frequency of your actions.

Special Conditions

If you are a higher rank receiving a second strike in any division, you will be demoted.